Thursday, May 2, 2013

Youth Team Meeting Tonight!

Youth Team!
Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray. - Proverbs 22:6

First Meeting: Thursday, May 2nd. 7:00pm. Church Hill McDonalds.
 (in same Parking Lot as Food City, off 11W)

We will discuss ways to reach children and youth: VBS, Youth Group, Sunday School, etc.

Specifically at this meeting we will form a team of folks who will rotate responsibility for leading programing for the Elementary School Kids on Wednesday Nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Nora Barton and Michelle Snodgrass have volunteered to create/prepare programing.  We’ll form this rotating team so that we can pour into the Elementary Kids and still each have time for Adult Bible Study and Spiritual Growth.

We will also brainstorm ideas for upcoming Vacation Bible School and how to offer Sunday School in a small membership church.

This is an exciting time.  Come be a part of this mission!

Breaking News: Baptism this Sunday!

Our Baptism Service has been scheduled!

THIS Sunday, May 5th at 8:30 at Clouds Bend UMC we will celebrate the Baptism of some folks from the Valley Parish.  If you would like to be baptized during this service, please let Nancy know as soon as possible!

Time: 8:30am (to leave time to get to regularly scheduled church services at 9:45/10:00am)

Place: Clouds Bend UMC  940 Bradbury St Kingsport, Tennessee 37660

Directions from Lebanon UMC:
1. Turn Right out of our parking lot
2. Turn Right onto Central after Tiny Giant
3. Turn Left onto 11W at stop light
4. Turn Right onto Netherland Inn Road
5. Turn right onto Ridgefields Rd

6. Turn right onto Chippendale Rd
7. Take the 2nd right onto Bradbury St

Please join us as we celebrate!  What a wonderful time!